Looking Back Recap...
From bernie's desk...
It’s amazing how clear the path behind us always is, as we walk in obedience to God’s direction. It never seems that way as we look forward by FAITH and step, one foot at a time, on that journey. Sometimes the path quickly gets lost, the obstacles become overwhelming, and God’s presence can sometimes be distant. BUT…GOD HAS LED US, FAITHFULLY We want to share those stories here together – those of us who have taken actual steps in the community, those of us, who have fervently prayed in the battle, those of us who have sacrificially given, and those of us who have been encouraged by word and action. WE WILL REJOICE IN THE “DOORS OF FAITH” that God has opened.
As you read and rejoice with us, let us be reminded that we are only sowers of the precious seed that God has entrusted to us. It is GOD THAT BRINGS THE HARVEST!!! Pray that the Holy Spirit would blow quietly and consistently over the hearts of everyone who has heard the transforming message of the Gospel, that ears would hear, and lives would be redeemed.
This “recap” of the year is not to bring “a pat on the back for success”; it must bring us to greater steps of faith and obedience as we see God moving in our native communities – among our friends and loved ones that He has given us the privilege of touching with the love of Jesus.
With hearts full of faith because of what God has done, we press on into a new year – one filled with steps of obedience as we accomplish the “God-sized vision” He has set before us.

Read more about each team's experience.

“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20-21.
In the next three years,
DayStar is trusting God to add seven, full-time, paid staff members to our current team.
Our desire is...

• To be present in our communities.
• To have a consistent focus on children’s programming.
• To have an expanded youth ministry focus.
• To build a well-planned discipleship path and a strong leadership focus in training pastors and ministry leaders.

Our objective is to eventually fully fund these new positions, with our first goal of $150,000 by December 31st, 2023
You can help us reach our goal by clicking below!
Let’s join hands in supporting the DayStar Initiative’s pursuit of God-sized visions. Through our collective obedience and generosity, we contribute to a narrative that transcends the ordinary, making space for miracles to unfold.
Thank you for continuing to partner with us in so many different ways.
Blessings upon your new year!